BLACK GOLD – Mystery Petroleum Mosaic- UPDATE

BLACK GOLD – Mystery Petroleum Mosaic- UPDATE

UPDATE: April 1 2015 Its been three years since I began the investigation and wrote this article “Black Gold: Thar’s Oil in them Thar Walls” for MosaicArtNOW. It’s a veritable mystery tour of the discovery of a brilliant midcentury mosaic by...


A round up of UNIQUE CERAMIC TILE spotted over the past several months. Mostly London, one from Paris, enjoy.  
Stereogranimator – a vintage modern perspective

Stereogranimator – a vintage modern perspective

I’m a photo junkie. I’m working on my archive of more than 20,000+ photos of architectural tile and mosaics sites, collected over the past 20 years. We are categorizing, keywording and getting all up in to the metadata. It’s a big job! Many libraries...

Treasure Hunt: Vintage Mosaics

Sometimes a girl just needs to clear her head  — and nothing refreshes like a good BROWSE around a vintage store… When in San Francisco’s Mission District, be sure to check out the new 17,000 square foot space called STUFF. Thanks to free parking, I took...
Mid-Century Mosaics of Pablo Picasso

Mid-Century Mosaics of Pablo Picasso

A marvelous mosaic mystery:  the Cote d’Azur in the 1950s, an enchanting young lover, and the missing mosaics of Pablo Picasso. An intriguing story about how one of the 20th century’s most influential artists explored the mosaic medium, and ponder what’s...


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