Excellent vintage footage of SALVADOR DALÍ doing some crazy tin foil alchemy to honour of his incarnation as the divine SUN GOD HERMES. Accompanied by avant garde jazz flute and sax music.

VIEWING TIME: Under 2 minutes.

I totally dig his Pentagonal Helmet. (Note to self: Make one. Wear everywhere.)

IN FACT there are actual studies on the effectiveness of the Tin Foil Hat, and its not what you think!

Salvador Dalí (May 11, 1904 – January 23, 1989)Clip from "Soft Self-Portrait of Salvador Dali", Narrated by Orson Welles, 1970Director: Jean-Christophe Averty

Posted by Domus on Friday, January 23, 2015

Source: DOMUS magazine, via my friend, Bulgarian mosaic maestro: Iliya Iliev, who recently published the excellent geometry and tessellation book titled: ORNAMENT.

Hermes, the god of thieves, travellers, trade and a guide to the underworld, is depicted in the mosaic (Greek Ministry of Culture) Source: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/

Hermes, the god of thieves, travellers, trade and a guide to the underworld, is depicted in the mosaic (Greek Ministry of Culture)
Source: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk

I hope it is not too late to wish all you readers a Happy New Year?

I don’t think so!

May it be a CREATIVE year for you!

Please stop in often, comment and share posts. There’s a lot of good stuff here, so click around and enjoy. I will promise to post more often in 2015!

Peace to All ~Lillian



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