My presentation “Modern Women: Trailblazers in Mid-Twentieth Century Mosaic” for the British Association of Modern Mosaic (BAMM) is now on YouTube. At the Annual Forum 2017 held in October at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, I presented work from four prominent yet relatively unknown women makers who paved the way for what we see now as a revolutionary shift of women working in the field of mosaic and tile arts.
I discuss work of three American mosaic artists and one Portuguese tile artist covering a period from roughly 1925 to 1965: Art deco icon-maker Hildreth Meière (find out more on Mosaic Art Now here:, Wisconsin mural maker Marjorie Kreilick McNab, Portuguese tile innovator Maria Keil, and the abstract expressionist Jeanne Reynal. I set the tone for the climate in which they worked, and where we find ourselves today.
My research on women comes from studying the field of midcentury mosaics on the whole, and will continue this line of inquiry with an article in BAMM’s next Andamento Journal, (out in mid-2018). I’m excited to be submitting work during the transition to the new editor, Helen Miles, and have enjoyed working with the outgoing editor and mosaic scholar, Dr. Ilona Jesnick. My article about the George Ehling Mosaic House in Los Angeles appeared in Andamento vol. 9.
BAMM (British Association for Modern Mosaic)
I’d love to present this lecture for your organisation, please contact me!