3-D Geometry Hits the Mainstream

Everyday I find new creative applications of three-dinemsional solids in the modern world.  There are three-dimensional printers,  miniature origami jewelry,  3-D folded money, and scientists using geometric patterns for stem cell research.  3-D movies are all the...

World Happy Day, and Thank You for the Inspiration

Thanks Marina Chetner for mentioning my blog today on  what appears to be “World Happy Day”  – I wasn’t aware of this holiday and I’m all for it! She was inspired by my post on Gaudí, GAUDÍ: EARLY PIONEER OF ART THERAPY? I report on his...

One More Whale Makes a Splash at Field Museum

I’m heading to Chicago for  ‘Natural Wonders: A Roman Mosaic from Lod Israel’, opening this Friday  Dec. 9 at the Field Museum. Now at it’s 3rd US tour venue, the Lod Mosaic coincides this time with another major exhibition at the museum...

The Language of Mosaic: A Word from Our Muses

In mosaic circles, we speak about a mosaic ‘grammar’ or the language of mosaic. We’re usually referring to the various ancient setting patterns used to express a mood within the matrix of a mosaic. This rhythmic pattern, known as OPUS in Latin, or...


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