BLACK GOLD – Mystery Petroleum Mosaic- UPDATE

BLACK GOLD – Mystery Petroleum Mosaic- UPDATE

UPDATE: April 1 2015 Its been three years since I began the investigation and wrote this article “Black Gold: Thar’s Oil in them Thar Walls” for MosaicArtNOW. It’s a veritable mystery tour of the discovery of a brilliant midcentury mosaic by...
King of Cool Funds the Pool

King of Cool Funds the Pool

After 12 years in limbo, the reinstallation of “Brotherhood of Man” a 1968 mosaic mural by artist Anthony Stellon is now re-located at Franklin Square Park (16th & Bryant Streets) in San Francisco, California. The mural’s original site was the...
King of Cool Funds the Pool

Update: Cosmic Brotherhood Meet Up

UPDATE: We have exciting news to announce – the mural has been saved and is re-sited at Franklin Square Park – a Celebration and Dedication is planned for November 23, at 10 AM – location is 16th and Bryant Playground, San Francisco. Please attend if...
The Cosmic Royal Pavement

The Cosmic Royal Pavement

SLUMBER PARTY!  My girlfriends and I had a late night audience with the Big Screen in order to witness live coverage of the last vestiges of pomp and circumstance—The Royal Wedding. We sipped warm Horlicks from Wills & Kate commemorative mugs and nodded off during...


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