BLACK GOLD – Mystery Petroleum Mosaic- UPDATE

BLACK GOLD – Mystery Petroleum Mosaic- UPDATE

UPDATE: April 1 2015 Its been three years since I began the investigation and wrote this article “Black Gold: Thar’s Oil in them Thar Walls” for MosaicArtNOW. It’s a veritable mystery tour of the discovery of a brilliant midcentury mosaic by...
George Ehling Mosaic House

George Ehling Mosaic House

My 6-page article about George Ehling’s visionary mosaic and bottle environment (George Ehling Mosaic House) in Los Angeles is included in the SPRING 2015 Issue of UK-based Raw Vision Magazine Number 85. Additionally, my 10-page essay with exclusive photos by...


How does one put a value on works made by hand? The SLOW ART of mosaic is a complex process – designing the pattern, choosing material, cutting units of tesserae that are congruent in size to the geometry and scale of the pattern, placing and setting each...

3-D Geometry Hits the Mainstream

Everyday I find new creative applications of three-dinemsional solids in the modern world.  There are three-dimensional printers,  miniature origami jewelry,  3-D folded money, and scientists using geometric patterns for stem cell research.  3-D movies are all the...


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