Monastic Mandalas: Hildegard von Bingen

Monastic Mandalas: Hildegard von Bingen

As a child, I often saw or felt ‘entities’ from other worlds. Many children report supersensory experiences and one such child was Hildegard von Bingen. Hildegard of Bingen, (1098-1179) was born a tenth child to a German noble family. She was an...

The Ordered Art of the Muses

“Without symmetry and proportion there can be no principles in the design of any temple…” ~ Vitruvius, Book III, Chap. 1 Through modern technology, science is peering into the depths of the universe and reconnecting us to our origins. We can now see...

Ancient Soul Mates?

There is a major buzz happening right now.  The world of ancient mosaics is bubbling up for our consideration. Recent significant discoveries have been unearthed all over the former Roman Empire, from the UK to Turkey, to Sicily and Israel.  It’s proving that...


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