
Tesserae: the Art of Mosaics at 2nd City Council Art Gallery

Tesserae: the Art of Mosaics at 2nd City Council Art Gallery

Dreams, fantasies, and neverlands pique our sense of playfulness

Dreams, fantasies, and neverlands pique our sense of playfulness

Time passes, winds blow, desire dashed in a moment

Brian Felix, Dawn Mendleson, and Carl and Sandra Bryant show persepctives on the elusive passage of Time

Lillian gives World Mosaic Lecture to Kick off the Exhibition on Saturday JUNE 27

Meet the Artists Reception Saturday JULY 11 with Live Music 7 pm to 9 pm

Mosaics from the Mind’s Eye Mandalas with Lillian Sizemore July 11, 12, 18, 19

Pique Assiette with Dawn Mendelson, July 14, 21

Bi-lingual Spanish-English Community Mural Workshop for the 2CC garden, facilitated by Luz Mack-Durini, Dawn Mendelson and Lillian Sizemore, July 26, and August 2

Mural Unveiling Party August 5

Check out 2CC website, to sign up for classes and get the low down~

Join us for all the fun and celebration!

Classes will be held in the beautiul covered garden area

Classes will be held in the beautiful covered garden

After selecting work for the show,  I received this note from the gallery director:

“I am completely excited.  This is going to be BETTER than great show.  Utterly FANTASTIC!!!! What a perfect job you did!  Thank you!  Thank you!”

Read my Juror’s Statement in the ABOUT Section of this blog



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