Rockin’ out

Institute of Mosaic Art in Oakland, CA hosted a great class this weekend, and I got to be a lucky student. Sophie Drouin stepped in for scheduled teacher, Bill Buckingham, and they are frequent collaborators and co-authored the book, “Listening to the Rocks:...

Museum Mandalas

Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon becomes abstracted yet again at the mercy of Marietta Ganapin’s hole-punch. Using a mezmerizing mandala form, Ganapin’s labor intensive methods of construction invoke the devotional practice of a monk.  She...

The Creative Genius

In my workshop Mosaics from the Mind’s Eye, we work with confronting the critical inner voice which can be especially sensitive for artists or people undertaking any creative venture.  I received a wonderful note from a student recently: “For me, the...

Getty Villa Inspirations

In November 2008,  I did artist-at-work demos and taught several mosaic workshops. (see previous posts). It was a fantastic! Over the course of five days, several hundred people came through the Education Court to learn about mosaics, watch me work, ask questions, and...


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