Free Bird

Serendipity is defined as ‘a seeming gift for finding something good accidentally’. That’s how I found  Sarah Ann Greene. I’m not surprised. Those of us on the mandalic path are bound to intersect like a good Vesica Piscis.  I was attending a...

“Module One” Watercolor

Here’s a watercolor I made over the past 10 days while in a yoga teacher training. Every day after hours of energy work and yoga, I would work on it, so this one’s super charged. Soften your eyes, gaze, and  let it take you on your own...

Piece by Piece Puts It Together

During my month in Los Angeles, I had the honor and joy to be invited as Visiting Artist Instructor at Piece by Piece organization. I offered a 2-session Mind’s Eye class and we explored mandalas, color theory, and techniques for creating color effects in...


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