Spring Calendar available on the new website

IT’S LIKE SANTA’S WORKSHOP around the studio lately! I’ve been busy prepping for a number of exciting upcoming educational events, and I just printed some nice postcards and business cards that feature a selection of five of my mosaic mandalas.

...good coffee fuels creative endeavors...

And I’m just launching my new website:


AT THIS WEBSITE you’ll find portfolios of my artwork and background, information about classes and museum education, and my upcoming calendar of events.  You can also find a listing of these same events here on this blog.  Just see the green bar above.  A work in progress is the RESEARCH section which will hold collections of photo stories from my travels and research into ancient and contemporary mosaic traditions. This section will update frequently, so check back often.

COMING SOON: Watch for exciting design changes and upgrades to this BLOG.

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