Today, I travel to Italy. Why? Because it’s ALL Mosaics: ALL the Time. First stop: the international convergence of Glitterati convening in Ravenna, Italy, the treasure chest of mosaic on the highest order.

Empress Theodora and her Retinue in Sant' Appolinare Nuovo

2011 BRINGS THE SECOND international biennial festival of CONTEMPORARY MOSAIC works, RAVENNA MOSAICO. A wealth of events extol the valor of mosaic beginning October 8, with exhibitions, symposia, speeches by dignitaries, and cultural activities running through November 20.

THE MAIN EVENT is NOTTE D’ORO (Golden Night) and I’ll be there in the mosh pit. The inauguration night brings an art opening in a different location every 30 minutes. The cobblestone streets are filled with wall-to-wall art-loving people!

Luca Barberini (Italy) Folla (Crowd) 250W x 120H cm, Glass smalti and marble.

FOUR DIFFERENT EXHIBITS hosted by  L’Associazione Internazionale Mosaicisti Contemporanei (International Association for Contemporary Mosaicists), include an opening of mosaic masters from talent around the world. Americans Julie Richey and Jo Braun have pierced the veil from over 200 entries, and exhibit their works.

Julie Richey, (TX) La Corrente, sculpture with smalti, sea urchin spines

Jo Braun (WA) Knobs and Tubes. Recycled materials exemplify Jo's textured rhythmic work

FRANK ZAPPA LIVES ON at Ravenna Mosaico, and this is certainly one piece I’m excited to see. The work by Julian Modica (France)was just awarded the Orsoni Grand Prize. It’s made with glass smalti, with masterful mono-chromatic effect, but with jazzy little hits of color thoughout…complex, intriguing and ever so pleasing, just like the man and his music!  I do love the Muffin Man.
Big congratulations to all the Orsoni Prize winners and exhibitors at Ravenna Mosaico! HOLLA!

Frank Zappa by Julian Modica (France) Orsoni Grand Prize 2011, 50 x 50 cm Smalti.

I’ll also travel on to VENICE for the final leg of Ms. Richey’s 2011 Mosaic Masterpiece Tour, in the good company Ms. Nancie Mills Pipgras, blogger and editor of Mosaic Art Now. I’m thrilled to visit the Orsoni Foundry, smalti purveyor to kings, popes and contemporary mosaic masters since 1888. Ms. Richey was the Orsoni Grand Prize winner in 2010.

Stay tuned…I hope to make a few posts from my iPhone, and keep you colorfully updated.

1889 Orsoni Smalti color panel displayed in Paris



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