NEW CLASS FORMING Feb 9 – March 18, 2010 contact Lillian for more information

How do you get ideas to come to you freely?

How do you see them through?

This in-depth course offers an expanded view on where the Muse lives within you. You can tap into an inner energy you did not know you had.

“Mosaics from the Mind’s Eye” Instructor, Lillian Sizemore, creates an immersive experience – the mixed-media art course offers the ability to go deeper with your ideas,  not often available in technique-driven workshops.

It’s a chance to bring it all together…Dream with what you have.

Bindu by Vaishali Sanghavi

Striations by Vaishali Sanghavi

The course covers topics such as:

  • Why the mandala and circle are useful as ‘creative containers’
  • How to ‘think mosaics’
  • Technical approaches for mixed-media work
  • Exercises to foster your Mind’s Eye
  • Confronting the critical inner voice
  • Centering and calming the busy mind
  • Preparing an artists statement and exhibiting your work

Each student receives personal attention as the group comes together in a ‘journey to center’.  We form true bonds of friendship and support in the art-making process. Lillian has been teaching this course for five years and her students create some of the most memorable work we’ve seen.

Naomi at work

Naomi at work

“Lillian knows so much. Even if this course is another 9 weeks long she will still have so much to offer.”

“I felt like my mind was literally opened a little more each week”…

“The night my idea came to me stemmed from a meditation we were doing…That was a pleasant surprise!”

—Mind’s Eye student feedback

Teaching this course is Lillian’s favorite thing to do. Read more of her awesome testimonials here or  here. Please consider joining in!

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