It feels like I’ve been gone a long time.
I guess that’s because I was gone a long time.
I imagined myself blogging via iPhone with my little AT&T World Data package, breezily tweeting my way through foreign lands.
But that did not happen.
There is something about Be Here Now and cultivating a State of Receptivity. It took all I had to immerse in the heart opening experiences, the generosity of strangers, the melancholy of ancient sites, and navigating in several languages. My travels took me to old Constantinople, AKA the most rockin’ city of Istanbul. Then in to Central Anatolia to visit cave villages and slow to the pace of nature. Identified over 60 species of native wildflowers. Then, back to Istanbul for another good dose of the most social people in the world, then a short flight to Milan (Turkish Airlines rules). Then a UNESCO train ride to an Alpine glacier, back to the city, then a puddle jump to Sicily, (Easy Jet does not rule), where driving is an extreme sport and agriturism is the way to go! And finally back to Milano, just in time for Men’s Fashion Week and a Campari.
Head is full. Images to edit. Stories to tell.

Matthew McConaughey Smells Good
Stay tuned: I’ll be posting more about these exciting SUMMER EVENTS!
My mandala work will be in this exhibition, new work!
Contemporary Mosaic Art: An Exquisite Collection opens July 20 and runs through October 1, 2010, daily from 9 AM to 6 PM, at the Concourse Gallery, 555 California Street, San Francisco, CA. The exhibit features the work of six renowned mosaic artists: Ellen Blakeley, Kate Kerrigan, Sonia King, Julie Richey, Lillian Sizemore and Laurel True. Curated by mosaic book author JoAnn Locktov and artist Kate Kerrigan in association with Casey & Associates. The exhibit includes 14 works of mixed media mosaic art in 2D and sculpture. For more information please contact Jan Casey at (415) 834-2394.
SAVE THE DATE – I’m making a free public presentation on July 20.
Mosaic Murals in San Francisco
and the Brotherhood of Man Mosaic at Franklin Square
Tuesday, July 20
Hosted by SGI-USA San Francisco Culture Center
Main Hall
2450 17th Street, San Francisco
In what promises to be a fascinating talk, renowned mosaic expert Lillian Sizemore will provide some background on public mosaic murals in San Francisco and will present a slideshow about a beautiful mosaic that is locked away from public view right here in the Northeast Mission.
The Brotherhood of Man mosaic by artist Anthony Stellon (1941-2005) was originally commissioned by Mayor Joseph Alioto in 1968 and is currently stored in a state of disrepair in a locked up area at Franklin Square. Lillian will discuss the fascinating historical context of the piece and artist, and what can be done to bring it back for the public to enjoy. There will be an opportunity to view the mosaic following the talk.