Thanks again to British Association for Modern Mosaic for hosting a well-rounded conference addressing the state of mosaic art, history, and conservation today. The conference was held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, October 27, 2012.

BAMM has produced videos of all the Forum presentations (see previous post for the programme schedule) including “Gino Severini: Father of Modern Mosaic” at the BAMM Mosaic Forum.

At time: 21:35 in the video, I present and quote from my translation of Severini’s 1952 lecture, “Mosaic and Mural Art In Antiquity and In the Modern Times”. I address my primary research on Severini’s philosophy of “il fare” and the philosophical notion of “poetic knowledge”  in mosaic art as an indivisible balance of both intuition and technical process.

The images that accompanied my talk are in the slideshow below.

The first 21 minutes of the video provide an informative background of Severini’s life and artistic career given by Ilona Jesnick,  editor of BAMM’s Andamento journal. You can also read Ms. Jesnick’s article on MosaicArt NOW HERE.

BAMM has posted all the Forum lectures on their youtube channel HERE

I look forward to your comments and further discussion.  Happy Thanksgiving dear readers!

‘…Today’s debate on the separation of the contemplative from the rational, leaves us with a deeply negative impact on the emotionalism of Art.

Vision, workmanship, and technique, these are indivisible. …’

—From ‘Mosaic and Mural Art in Antiquity and in the Modern Times’, Gino Severini, 1952, Translation by Lillian Sizemore


images and translation, all rights reserved. Lillian Sizemore, © 2012

Gino Severini, b. 1883 Cortona, Italy –  d. 1966, Paris, France




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