Beauty in the Broken

Beauty in the Broken

So many metaphors in life for finding Beauty in the things and places that are broken. We can’t avoid heartbreak, illness, loss, the broken plates, the spilled milk…It is a process of taking these fragments and making things whole again. I’m teaching...
Uncover the Spirit of Harlem

Uncover the Spirit of Harlem

The Spirit of Harlem, by Louis Delsarte, 2004-2006. 10 ft. x 30 ft. 125th and Frederick Douglass Blvd. Harlem, NYC, NY Today I’m so sad to learn this vibrant mural has been covered over with a brick wall. In July 2011 on a steamy summer trip to NYC I...
Modern Women: Trailblazers in Mosaic

Modern Women: Trailblazers in Mosaic

My presentation “Modern Women: Trailblazers in Mid-Twentieth Century Mosaic” for the British Association of Modern Mosaic (BAMM) is now on YouTube. At the Annual Forum 2017 held in October at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, I presented work from...
Infinite Blossom of Geometry

Infinite Blossom of Geometry

Join me in Scotland this fall for this engaging workshop that will feature a visual feast of gorgeous images from around the world. I will introduce the concept of the underlying geometric patterns in nature which are also expressed in the arts, crafts and...


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