The coming fall equinox will be celebrated with another Circumambulation of Mt. Tamalpais, aka the “CircumTam” group walk on Sunday, September 26. We meet at the lower Muir Woods parking lot at 8:00am. Here is a little map of where to meet, below. I did the spring equinox walk in March, and wrote about it here and here.
The winter solstice walk will be on December 18.
By the way, my friend Mark Gonnerman, who, along with Matthew Davis, is a keeping the flame alive on the CircumTam walk, is organizing an interfaith gathering in conjunction with the Dalai Lama’s teaching on the Eight Verses for Transforming the Mind in San José this coming October 12. Mark is Director of Aurora Forum at Stanford University, and a doctor of religious studies.

Huston Smith watching an address by His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama
Yes, I want to do this in March. It appears to be time well spent and rewarding, no doubt.