3-D Geometry Hits the Mainstream

Everyday I find new creative applications of three-dinemsional solids in the modern world.  There are three-dimensional printers,  miniature origami jewelry,  3-D folded money, and scientists using geometric patterns for stem cell research.  3-D movies are all the...

Tony Orrico: Human Spirograph®

You may remember my post  Spirograph Cartel about Istanbul’s spinning street vendors?  Or perhaps you enjoyed Really BIG Circles, about one of my favorite Circle Makers, Jim Denevan, who makes sand and ice drawings visible from space? Well, there’s a new...

Talented Tessellari

Just wrapped up another of my rockin’ Introduction to Roman Mosaics classes this weekend at IMA. The talented tessellari (those who make mosaics) riffed on ancient geometric patterns to create their own cosmic combinations. Loni played with changing up the...

Chain Link as Substrate

“A pixel is a pixel is a pixel…” Mosaic art is based on working with individual tesserae, (think pixels) composed into a larger picture.  I track how this ancient application gets usurped, morphed and mashed-up into other contemporary media. One such...

Zeitgeist in the Round

I love connecting patterns through Circles. Don’t get me wrong – I love other shapes too, but the Circle is my BFF. I spend a lot of time seeking how the mood of today’s culture gets interpreted in this form. Maybe someday I will show you some of my...


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